Having worked in the software industry for 20 years, I took more then a passing interest in how the program was put
together. It is easy to use, has a great tutorial format that even allows you to fast forward to where you want to listen
from, and the ultimate test Eafter my son first started using it I had to drag him away after four hours and now he wants
to be using it every day.
A great product and an example of Australian software at its best.
Kurt Groeneveld
Managing Director
Supercorp Australia
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Angela Sibly
We've worked in the software industry for 10+ yrs & investigated many educational programs. We have been very impressed. Minimal financial commitment, thorough lesson planning and presentation, solid support. Congratulations on a great product.
Angela Sibly
Hi there
This is Kyle Sibly. He has been working on the Maths Power program for approx 2 years. Last year he took part in the Assessment competition run through the University of New South Wales and achieved 25 out of 40 and was ranked in the top 47 percent of Queensland Year 5 participants (Participation Level). This year he underwent the assessment again and achieved 32 out of 40 with a ranking in the top 4 percent of Year 6 Queensland participants (Distinction Level). A significant improvement and one of which we were very pleased and proud.
Kind regards
Angela Sibly
Bardon, Queensland
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